If there has ever been a state that is too busy to watch TV, we live in it right here in the Garden State. We’re way too preoccupied with all the other things in our lives to spend too much time on any TV shows. Or are we?

Photo by Mahrous Houses on Unsplash
Photo by Mahrous Houses on Unsplash

It turns out we are a little more obsessed with TV than you might think here in the Garden State. Some research was done recently and it turns out that we watch a bunch of TV in New Jersey, and you’re also going to love our favorite type of television as well. It’s so very New Jersey

When you think about all the things we have to do, all the traffic we’re going to hit, and all the people who rely on us, there is literally no way we have time to watch TV in New Jersey, and despite all that, you’re going to be pretty surprised at where the Garden State ranks for TV watching in the United States.

Photo by Nicolas J Leclercq on Unsplash
Photo by Nicolas J Leclercq on Unsplash

The research was done by Verizon, and it reveals both something shocking and something extremely predictable about New Jersey. First off, we watch a lot of TV. The research says we’re taking in nearly 3 hours and 20 minutes of television each and every day, ranking us #14 in the nation. What?

Doesn’t that surprise you? Where are we getting over three hours to watch TV? I could see us catching that much if they put big screens on the Garden State Parkway. That would never happen, but even if it did, the screens would probably be blank with one light on in the lower right corner, just like the signs that are already there.

Photo by Adrian Swancar on Unsplash
Photo by Adrian Swancar on Unsplash

If you’re searching for a way to explain this information, the study does offer that as well. New Jersey’s top TYV genre is reality TV, so we can blame the whole thing on the Jersey Shore franchise and Real Housewives of New Jersey. Now it’s starting to make sense.

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