Admit it, deep down inside you love certain Disney songs.  They take you back to your childhood, they remind you of that trip to Disney World, and at times can even make you cry.  There are some songs that I still love, and one song that I absolutely cannot stand.

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    The Bare Necessities (Jungle Book)

    My first lesson in life, 'Look for the Bare Necessities'.

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    The Circle of Life (The Lion King)

    When I saw this movie for the first time, I remember getting goosebumps when this song blared through the movie speakers.  It almost had the same effect as the Star Wars intro.....almost.


    What are YOUR three favorite Disney songs? Comment below!

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    You've Got a Friend in Me (Toy Story)

    The characters in Toy Story will always be our friends.[onescreen item=""]

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