Most New Jersey Drivers Do This And It’s Annoying
Here in New Jersey, we are a competitive bunch. We’d like to be ahead of the pack. We don’t want to be left behind or further back in line.
There’s something most of us do at a stoplight it bugs the crap out of me.
When you come to an intersection-especially one that has a left turn lane-there are slick white lines that are sometimes staggered to allow oncoming traffic to turn into the road you are on.
People in the left turn lane ignore their line and move up to the other line, which defeats the purpose of the staggered lines. Then at regular intersections, people will drive over the thick white line, which is where you’re supposed to stop.
Sometimes people even go as far as to pull the car onto the crosswalk, which would prevent anyone from crossing in front of them at the red light. It is against the law, but most people ignore it. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a person get a ticket for it. But they should.
It’s inconsiderate and for some unknown reason, it bugs me to no end. Maybe I’m on the road too much or maybe I just look at other cars too much. Because I’m certainly not opposed to breaking traffic laws. I break the speed limit every day of my life.
For some mysterious reason, this one gets to me. I doubt it bothers anyone else but take a look next time you’re at an intersection and see how many people do this!
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Dennis Malloy. Any opinions expressed are Dennis Malloy's own.