OMG. How can you not notice that your daughter is standing up in the shopping cart? Oh wait, YOU ARE ON THE PHONE!

Why these two women were shooting video of this woman in the Walmart in Vineland, I'm not quite sure. They do mention that the mother was yelling at her little girl the whole time.

The mother says "I didn't mean to do THAT ONE", which makes me wonder if she had done the same thing to her daughter a few minutes ago. Oh, she's still on the phone by the way.


This video was posted on YouTube by AriesSoprano


The young girl (notice the pink cast on her arm - we're just sayin') did a total back flip out of the shopping cart when the mother pulled it out from under her, slamming her head on the floor! Oh, she's still on the phone by the way.

Adult screaming ensues...

Who's side are you on in this situation? The women who are shooting video or the mother?


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