Here’s How Long Can You Keep Using Your Jersey Driver’s License as an Airport I.D.
Time is ticking on being able to use your New Jersey state driver's license as a form of identification at the airport.
New identification cards, called Real ID, will be required come October of 2020. NJ state license holders who want to continue using it as a form of I.D. at an airport will have to get a replacement license that complies with Real ID guidelines, and state motor vehicle agencies will reportedly begin offering those as early as this coming spring. MVC's have already started upgrading their computers to ensure an uncomplicated introduction of Real ID.
The new Real ID cards contain digital enhancements unique to ever card holder, minimizing the possibility of fraud. It 'establishes minimum security standards', according to Department of Homeland Security.
At least until October 10, 2019, the DHS will allow flyers to use their New Jersey driver's licenses as an acceptable form of identification, according to The measure was expected to roll out by the end of this year, but lawmakers have extended it, New Jersey News 12 reports.