Here’s a List of Group Costume Ideas for Insane Inflatable 5k!
Insane Inflatable 5K is back for its final round, just in time to kick off Halloween season. Here are the best group costume ideas that will make people say #squadgoals!
While the Insane Inflatable 5k is a true test of your physical strength (totally kidding it's actually the most fun you'll ever have), one thing I've noticed is that people love to dress up.
And when I mean dress up...they freaking BRING IT.
One year, I saw a man paint the American flag...on his entire body. Granted by the end of it, the slides and obstacles completely wore it away. But at least you get what I mean, this is the perfect moment to show off your squad!
Here is a list of ideas that is PERFECT for the Insane Inflatable and bring your Halloween spirit:
- Power Rangers
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- Marvel's Avengers
- DC's Justice League
- Super Mario Kart
- The Walking Dead...aka zombies!
- Where's Waldo
- Things 1 & 2...3,4,5,6,7 and so on
- Suicide Squad
- Care Bears (they can be bada**)
- Emojis
- Scooby Doo Mystery Squad
- Pacman and the Ghosts
- Minions
- Stranger Things Crew
- Average Joes from Dodgeball
- The Incredibles
- Ghostbusters
- Lego People
- Star Wars
- Characters from Scary Movies (i.e. Michael Myers, Freddie Crueger)
And of course, I always love the squads who are doing it for a cause!
Don't miss the next Insane Inflatable 5K, Saturday October 7th at Flying W in Medford! Mike of The Mike Show and Midday Host Heather DeLuca will meet you out there, to kick you off! For tickets, just click that cute little button below...don't be shy:
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