Go Ahead, Show Us Your SoJO, We Dare You
Alright South Jersey, it's sharing time! Now you may not have as much fun as our man, Marc D., but we're sure you still know how to have a good time.Here's what we want, first, do you use Instagram? If you do, this should be easy...
Take a picture of you, your friends, your family, random strangers, whatever, as long as everyone's having fun. It can be on the beach, at a bar, even in school or at work. Use the Instragram hashtag InstaSoJO and we'll display all your pics right here on sojo1049.com.
And to make this even more fun, read On the Marc every Friday and if you happen to be somewhere Marc D. mentions, snap a photo and put it up on our Instagram gallery. Bonus points if you can get a picture with Marc D. himself.