Fake News Could Scare Swimmers Out of the Jersey Shore Waters
When it comes to social media, sometimes we're quick to believe what we see, even it what we're being told is untrue. Don't let this bit of fake news keep you from enjoying a dip in the waters off the Jersey Shore.
There's no denying New Jersey had more of its fair share of beached whales and dolphins over the last nine months. It's beyond concerning.
There've also been reports of Great White shark sightings off the coast of the Jersey Shore.
But what one person posted to social media drums up fear the minute it catches your eye. You might not be immediately reading a caption or comment to determine if what you're looking at it real.
This is some Jaws or Sharknado material right here, and the post got shared all over Facebook and beyond, including pages dedicated to N. Wildwood and elsewhere along the Jersey Shore.
I'm not saying that a Great White shark could never beach itself, but it's a scary sight. You'd probably be in shock to see it.
Luckily, in this case, what you're looking at is a case of FAKE NEWS. These photos have been manipulated to appear as though a beast of the sea came ashore.

But fear not. You do NOT need a bigger boat.
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