You Can Now Text 911 to Camden County Police
Camden County Police have created a system for residents to send for help through text message.
Philly.com reports, this is the first of its kind statewide to go live with this system.
Personally, I have read reports of being able to potentially text police after what happened during the Orlando shooting, so it's interesting to see Camden County follow through.
So how does it work? Similar to when you call in, dispatchers are seated before monitors and are able to communicate with residents' texts. Then they are able to respond and send police to the location.
According to the report, 80% of the county's 911 calls are from cellphones, so it only makes sense to institute a system like this.
There is also mention, that by Friday, the feature should be available for all 21 counties in NJ.
But of course, police emphasize to call 911 first if you can.
Read the full story on Philly.com.
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