TikTok might just be proof that the movie “Idiocracy” has taken hold in real life. The vapid video-sharing platform has made stars of people possessing the IQ of a twig and is filled with videos of staged scenarios only morons would accept as real.

Then there’s the list of ridiculous and too often dangerous challenges. Remember the devious licks challenge? A moronic dare was listed for each month of the school year and teenagers were encouraged to act them out. This month, to close out the school year, is “flip off someone in the main office.” Last October was “smack a staff member.”

Well, get ready to say goodbye to more brain cells when you hear this new one. There’s a TikTok challenge going around for more than a week now where people are encouraged to mix balsamic vinegar with flavored seltzer and drink it. It’s called the “Healthy Coke” challenge. That’s because it’s said to taste just like the soda.

The problem? It’s not healthy. It’s combing two acids, according to a spokesperson for the American Dental Association. That is apparently horrible for the enamel of your teeth.

"I love balsamic vinegar, but I enjoy it more on my salad than in my drinking glass. It's much kinder to the teeth than bathing them in a beverage blend of two acids," says Edmond Hewlett, a dentist and a spokesperson for the ADA. “The more acidic the drink, the greater the risk of tooth erosion with frequent consumption."

It’s not just teeth. According to an article on health.com, it can also erode your digestive system.

Nice going, TikTok. Is there anything you guys do that isn’t on the level of chimpanzees?

Keep scrolling to see a gallery of other idiotic internet challenges from the past few years.

Dumb and Dangerous Internet Challenges

Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski only.

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