When will JCP&L restore power in Lakewood, Toms River NJ?
💡 A substation fire knocked out power for around 10,000 JCL&L customers early Monday
💡 The number of outages at noon was 5,800
💡 Free water and ice is available at Shop Rite stores in Brick and Toms River
A fire at a JCP&L substation has knocked out power to thousands of customers in Lakewood and Toms River on what looks like one of the hottest days of the summer.
The fire happened at the substation on Silverton Avenue in Toms River around 1 a.m., JCP&L spokesman Chris Hoening told New Jersey 101.5. Hoenig did not yet know the cause of the fire.
Approximately 10,000 customers were without power in the hours after the fire. As of noon, 5,800 customers were without power in Lakewood and Toms River, according to Hoenig. Most will remain without power until 8 p.m.
Hoenig had expected another portion of approximately 4,000 customers to be restored Monday morning but crews discovered more damage to equipment which had to be isolated and replaced.
"Parts are on their way already. As soon as everything's arrived and they can start making repairs, they're going to try and get everybody up as fast as they safely can," Hoenig said.
Hoenig said the Leisure Village area would likely have the longest outage on Monday as it is the main area served by the substation.
Free ice and water are available at the ShopRite stores in Toms River on Fischer Boulevard and Route 70 in Brick.
What caused the fire?
Hoenig said the cause of the substation fire will be investigated. The equipment impacted by the fire and needing repair has already been identified.
"We will likely have everybody up without having to replace that equipment. It's just a matter of getting all of it isolated. And once it's isolated, then they can take a look at it to determine the cause and make sure that the repairs are completed on the equipment."
High temperatures are headed for the 90s with dew points in the 70s, according to NJ 101.5 Chief Meteorologist Dan Zarrow.
"Monday will probably become the 23rd day in 2023 on which the temperature hit 90+ degrees. That's not extraordinary — in fact, that figure is well below average. We've dealt with very few instances of 'extreme heat' or 'dangerous heat,"' Zarrow said. "And Monday follows that trend, with reasonable, seasonable 90-degree high temperatures."
Zarrow advises staying hydrated and keeping cool.
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