What do you want to be when you grow up?

This is such a weird question to ask a child, especially considering when you’re young you can’t even grasp the amount of different jobs there can be, but that doesn’t stop people from asking.

Some kids know from an early age what they want to be when they enter adulthood, but what are the chances that they actually accomplish their goals?

Casinos.com conducted research to get to the bottom of this by analyzing numbers across the United States to reveal the odds of New Jerseys landing popular dream jobs.

Find a dream job concept. Job search application on laptop

These included professions like singers, athletes, lawyers, doctors, and so on, this was narrowed down by using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Nationwide, the ideal careers you’re likely to land are lawyer, doctor, and firefighter, in that order.

To get this data, Casinos.com used this methodology:

To calculate the odds, the “jobs per 1,000 occupations” data was extracted from the Bureau of Labor Statistics website and then divided by the population of each state and multiplied by 1,000 to reveal the odds of landing each dream job per state. The nationwide odds where then tallied by calculating the average odds of every dream job across all the states.

Specifically for the Garden State, these are the top 12 dream jobs and the odds of getting a job in that field.

Odds of becoming a doctor in New Jersey

1 in 286

Female doctor with receptionist in hospital, smiling, portrait
Thomas Northcut

Odds of becoming a lawyer in New Jersey

1 in 171

Pattanaphong Khuankaew
Pattanaphong Khuankaew

Odds of becoming a veterinarian in New Jersey

1 in 2174


Odds of becoming a psychologist in New Jersey

1 in 1015


Odds of becoming a photographer in New Jersey

1 in 4,115

Male photographer taking photos in a beautiful nature setting.

Odds of becoming a singer in New Jersey

1 in 5,128

Teenage Rock Singer

Odds of becoming an athlete in New Jersey

1 in 9804

Runner and Infielder Both Reaching Base
Mike Watson Images

Odds of becoming a writer in New Jersey

1 in 2,681


Odds of becoming an architect in New Jersey

1 in 1,546


Odds of becoming a firefighter in New Jersey

1 in 646


Odds of becoming a pilot in New Jersey

1 in 10,309

Pilots in the cockpit
Carlos Santa Maria

Odds of becoming a chef in New Jersey

1 in 1071

Smiling woman chef dressing a salad
Wavebreakmedia Ltd

You can find the full article with Casinos.com’s research here.

Ever wonder what jobs pay top dollar in the Garden State? Keep reading to find out.

The 99 top paying jobs in New Jersey

How much do you make? These are the occupations in New Jersey with the highest median annual compensation. Source: Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2022

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The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5's Kylie Moore. Any opinions expressed are Kylie's own. You can follow Kylie on Instagram.

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