Two Bone Chilling Venomous Snakes Can Actually Be Found In New Jersey
There are just some things that most of us will never like. Things like taxes, tolls, calories, and snakes will never be alright with us. We want you to meet the venomous snakes that call New Jersey home.
And if you have found comfort over the years reminding yourself that we live in New Jersey and the snakes are somebody else's problem, it's, unfortunately, time to think again.
Not only are there plenty of snakes slithering and sliding all over the Garden State, but there are also actually venomous snakes that call the Garden state home.
Yes, that's right venomous snakes in New Jersey, and we're not talking about the guy you met at Bar A a few weeks ago. We're talking about legitimate poisonous snakes among us.
So, what do we need to know about all this? Well, for starters, there are two different types of venomous snakes in the Garden State.
They are the Northern Copperhead and Timber Rattlesnake, according to Wildlife Informer, and in case you're wondering, that's not a typo. We did say rattlesnake. So, exactly where are these snakes?
Well, the Copperheads will be spotted in the northern part of the state, mostly in the wooded areas, but those Rattlers are slithering around the Pine Barrens near the coast.
Spotting one of these creatures is not a common occurrence in New Jersey, but it does happen. If this makes you feel any better, you're much more likely to spot a gross spider in the Garden State.
Sleep well.