There are so many things life can throw at you and you’re forced to adjust.

It’s important to be able to know how to adjust on the fly and take care of certain situations.

And that’s why on the radio the other day we talked about life skills that everyone should know.

Are these things so important that you’ll fail in life if you don’t know them? No. They’re simply skills that will help you along the journey of life. They’re definitely important!

Below is a list of life skills everyone should know. They are not in any specific order.

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#5 Know how to cook

Forget about the presentation. Who cares what the food looks like after you cook it? It’s just important to know the basics. It’s not ideal to eat out every night. Knowing how to cook is key.

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Adobe Stock

#4 Changing a tire

You never know when a situation will arise where you have a flat tire. Instead of having to wait around for a repair service, take matters into your own hands and change the tire yourself. If you’re on a highway though, it may be smarter to call for help. Safety first!

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Adobe Stock

#3 Create a resume

You’d think everyone would know this, but having graduated college not too long ago I can say from my experience I was never formally taught how to create a resume. I did it through various other sources but I was never given a formal guide. A resume is pertinent in getting a job!

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Adobe Stock

#2 How to present yourself in a job interview

Your resume can only take you so far. Having people skills is incredibly important in job interviews. If you want to be successful in the real world, getting a job is the first step!

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Adobe Stock

#1 Housekeeping skills

This can range anywhere from fixing a lightbulb to doing your laundry. You can’t call for help any time a little thing goes wrong in your home. Being self-sufficient and fixing/doing things on your own is vital.

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The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5's Kyle Clark. Any opinions expressed are his own.

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