My stomach has butterflies just looking at this picture.  A theme park right here in the U.S. called Schlitterbahn is set to open the Verruckt Meg-A-Blaster in the Spring, a water slide that ranks tallest on earth.

The Kansas City, Kansas, water park says Meg-A-Blaster will not only be the tallest, but the fastest water slide in the world.

The Verrückt (ironically German for 'insane') Meg-A-Blaster is scheduled to make its splash when the park opens May 23.

The slide offers a 17-story plunge, will propel riders at over 65 mph, and has a little five-story “bump” toward the end of the ride.

So how do you get down it?  Not bare-backed.  Four-person rafts will plummet down from the tower and over a five-story hill.

So would you or wouldn't you?

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