Another Dead Humpback Whale Discovered Off New Jersey CoastAnother Dead Humpback Whale Discovered Off New Jersey CoastIn what's becoming a disturbing trend in New Jersey waters, another dead humpback was has reportedly been found.Heather DeLucaHeather DeLuca
Belmar Fisherman Come Dangerously Close To Massive Humpback Whale In New JerseyBelmar Fisherman Come Dangerously Close To Massive Humpback Whale In New JerseyI love seeing local craziness on Insta. This father-son fishing trip out of Monmouth County turned out to be a massive experience and a very close call!Shannon HollyShannon Holly
Humpback Whale Spotted Off Coast of Sea IsleHumpback Whale Spotted Off Coast of Sea IsleA humpback whale was spotted in Sea Isle waters bumping into a fisherman's boat.Jahna MichalJahna Michal
More Humpback Whales Being Spotted At The Jersey ShoreMore Humpback Whales Being Spotted At The Jersey ShoreTake a moment to appreciate nature.VaracchiVaracchi