George Clooney

Johnny Depp Is Hollywood’s Most Overpaid Actor For the Second Year in a Row
Johnny Depp Is Hollywood’s Most Overpaid Actor For the Second Year in a Row
Johnny Depp Is Hollywood’s Most Overpaid Actor For the Second Year in a Row
Every year, Forbes releases rankings of the highest-paid and highest-grossing actors around the world, but their most interesting list comes a little later in the year when the publication unveils their annual rundown of the most overpaid actors in Hollywood. Unsurprisingly, Johnny Depp’s name tops the list for the second year in a row — and yet, sadistic Hollywood executives just keep right on putting him and his big dumb hats in big budget blockbusters.
In Honor Of The Oscars:  The Worst Movies Ever – [VIDEOS]
In Honor Of The Oscars: The Worst Movies Ever – [VIDEOS]
In Honor Of The Oscars: The Worst Movies Ever – [VIDEOS]
In honor of the upcoming Oscars, it's time to start a new tradition here on the SoJO Morning Show.  The Morgans! (err--worst movies of all time)  Here are a list of movies, I believe, made the list.  Let me know if you think there is a movie I leave out:

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