South Jersey’s Szczur Recovers From Slow Start – Ready For More Success!
The future for Matt Szczur will hopefully involve wearing a Chicago Cubs jersey within the next few years, and his recent play over the last month has him on course to take the next step toward the dream of this product of South Jersey.
Szczur is rated as one of their Top-3 prospects in the Cubs organization, and is considered one of the Top-75 prospects in all minor league baseball coming into this season. The former Villanova Wildcat has posted a .303 batting average in his first 2 seasons in the Cubs lower levels of the minors.
Currently playing for the Daytona Cubs (High A level), the Lower Cape May H.S. grad struggled early down in the Florida State League - starting with only 4 hits in his first 26 at-bats. Over the last 4 weeks or so, Szczur has pulled his batting average up by nearly 100 points - from his .154 start to .252 - and is leading the league with 34 Runs scored and 16 Stolen Bases.
Szczur has been out of Daytona's lineup since getting hit by a pitch in the hand area last Thursday. He was scheduled to be back out there, but mother nature has not cooperated since the last 2 games have been rained out. No player wants to wait to play, especially when one is rolling like Szczur is recently.
Matt's next step to the AA level could be coming soon at the pace he's on. Knoxville would be the next home for him (Tennessee Smokies) - putting his major league dreams within reach for maybe 2013. He is showing that he would be an exciting lead-off type of hitter with his speed and patience and the plate, plus he is considered an above average defensive player in the outfield.
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