South Jersey Likes Burnt Hot Dogs
We like to do extremely scientific polls on Facebook. We ask you the most important questions and you respond perfectly. Summertime is here, which means cookouts. Cookouts mean hotdogs, hamburgers, and all of the fixings. People are quite particular with how they take their hotdogs. In order to find the perfect dog, we asked you how you like them cooked.
There are three types of hotdog people. You have the just cooked with barely any grill marks. The next person likes there hotdog with distinct grill marks, but you can still see the actual hotdog underneath, The last person likes their hotdog just plain burnt.
Shockingly, South Jersey prefers their hotdog burnt.
Overwhelmingly, South Jersey wants a burnt hotdog. Coming in at second was hotdog number 2, with the unscathed hotdog at number 3.
Of course there were some pretty snarky responses, which was to be expected.
Then, there were those who do not appreciate delectable food.
So however you like your hotdogs, enjoy them this summer.