Cell phones can be a big disruption during class. Students try to be sneaky and hide their phones in their bags, under their desk, under a book, or in a hooded sweatshirt pocket. However, the constant peering down and lack of focus makes it pretty clear as to what they are doing. More and more schools are adopting the practice of locking up students' phones during the school day.

NJ 101.5 reported, "Under the program, students keep their device on them but each phone gets put into a locking pouch for the school day. Phones are turned to silent, vibrate or off before they are secured, so as not to disrupt the phone-free space..."

Similar pouches have been used at concert venues to prohibit use of phones during shows.

via OverYondr.com
via OverYondr.com

Teachers of course would have the unlocking base.

According to the article, "Yondr is used in hundreds of schools across the region, including at least three more in New Jersey — Collegiate Academy in Newark, Burlington County Alternative School in Mount Laurel and the Moriah School in Englewood, Taylor said."

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