Should New Jersey Have a Trick or Treating Age Limit? [POLL]
A new law in another state recommends jail time for Trick or Treaters over a certain age. Should New Jersey propose similar laws?
Once I became a teenager, Trick or Treating with my friends a little later on into the evening on Halloween made us feel cool because we didn't have to socialize with little kids. True, it was a bit more mischievous, but we never got out of control.
In Chesapeake, Virginia, only those 12 and under are permitted to go door to door for candy up to 8 p.m. on Halloween. In fact, HRScene, a news organization in V.A., reports that anyone OVER the age of 12 caught Trick or Treating after curfew, or as city code states 'or any other activity of similar character or nature under any name whatsoever' could face fines and up to six months in jail!
I can't but help to think that's taking things to the extreme, but I do wonder, should there be an age limit on Trick or Treating here in New Jersey? We already have restrictions on Trick or Treating days and times, with most towns observing the tradition on the weekend before Halloween or during mid-afternoon hours. But should it really be restricted to ages 12 and under?
Take our poll below, and let us know! And feel free to voice your opinion in the comment box below!