Roadwork On Delilah Rd. in EHT Scheduled All This Week
There is one word that I think we all more than hate by this point: Roadwork.
So yes, there will be roadwork and therefore traffic delays that you need to worry for this week.
Delilah Road in Egg Harbor Township is being resurfaced and all of the chaos will be starting today, (Monday) and will last until this Friday. The hours you can expect roadwork to be done is from 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM each day.
More specifically, it will be taking place between Tremont Avenue and the Atlantic City Expressway overpass. The only exception to this construction schedule is if there is awful weather.
There may also be random road closures while this roadwork is being done so if your daily commute involves going through or even near this area, I would give yourself extra travel time.
For more information on the roadwork in Egg Harbor Township, check out the original article at PressOfAtlanticCity.com.