Police to Begin Sobriety Checkpoints in Cherry Hill
Cherry Hill Police will begin a sobriety checkpoint next week during late-night, evening hours to prevent accidents.
Courier-Post reports, this isn't the first time the police department conducted Motor Vehicle Sobriety Checkpoints. They are done throughout the year to prevent drunk-driving incidents.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, nearly 10,000 people have fallen victim to drunk-driving crashes in 2014.
Within New Jersey, 201 out of the 556 fatalities resulted in death because of the presence of alcohol.
And these are only reported drunk-driving incidents.
Many people drive after having a few drinks, believing they are OK to get behind the wheel. Through these sobriety checkpoints, hopefully it will help to prevent further accidents.
The best piece of advice if you know you will be having a few drinks, is always to assign a designated driver, take a cab, or simply stay with a friend. There are always precautions we can take! Especially when it comes to the our lives, and the lives of other people.
Watch the video on Courier-Post.