My app of the week completely trumps any weather app you already have in your phone.

My go-to weather app has always been the Weather Channel. It has really cool graphics, is usually pretty accurate, and it sends you alerts...what else do you need when it comes to weather reporting?

Then, I was scrolling on Instagram and came across, 'Sunshine.'

'Sunshine' is a personalized weather app that reports the weather based on how you experience it. So, let's say its 80 degrees outside. This may be way too hot for me, but for Mike it could be considered as cool. As they day goes on, it'll report the weather and how you'll potentially feel. According to 'Sunshine' by mid-afternoon when its 85 degrees, I will probably be sweating like crazy.

I think it's a pretty neat app because I'm able to report the weather and alert other people in the area, too. I've never experienced this with other apps before.

I am also glad to report that the app is NOW available for Apple and Android phones.

Check it out below:

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