This South Jersey school board is looking to remove sex-education magazines from a junior high library because of "explicit" content.

Parents at Pinelands Regional School District are in uproar over a sex education magazine sitting at their children's school library.

According to parents, the sex-ed magazine 'Sex, Etc.' goes WAY too far showing graphic images and text to young students. For instance, one of the titles found in this magazine was: "The Clitoris and Pleasure: What You Should Know."

Now I am a 23-year-old adult, and even I widened my eyes looking at that title. So, I do agree that title is a bit much for junior high students.

What I do NOT agree with is one parent saying that teenagers should go to their parents with questions about sex. Teenagers and young adults SHOULD come to their parents to have an open conversation about sex, but this doesn't always happen. Some teenagers resort to their friends or the Internet to learn about it, which leads to misinformation.

So, yes I do believe sex-education is very important in schools. BUT, perhaps maybe not as explicit.

According to spokeswoman, Lucinda Holt, the magazine follows the standards of sex education and are reviewed by doctors and experts. Additionally, she mentions these magazines are typically sent to high schools but middle schools also do subscribe.

Perhaps they should consider creating a more suitable one for junior high students if thats the case. For now, the magazines have been removed and are pending approval by the board.

Whatever the board decide, I hope they still put some sort of sex education in place.

What are your thoughts about sex education for junior high students?

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