Rumor Buster: No, ‘Step Brothers 2’ Isn’t Filming This Year
If you’ve logged onto Facebook or trolled Reddit today, you surely saw the exciting news: Step Brothers 2 is officially happening and it begins filming this year! Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly are back and they’re taking care of a baby! Oh great, a sequel to one of the funniest comedies of the past 25 years! Except it’s not true.
It’s unclear where this news originated, but there are a number of articles floating around on highly dubious sites all with the same “facts” about the Step Brothers 2 (one article sources a site called MBY News, which is a page that includes headlines like “German Snacks Are Quite the Mouthful” and “Amazing Michael Jackson Impersonator” so not exactly a great source for breaking entertainment news). The articles all indicate that “all of the original cast including Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly, Richard Jenkins, Mary Steenburgen, and others are set to return” and that Ferrell and recent Oscar-winner Adam McKay are writing the script for a fall start. Curiously each article changes the location of where the sequel is filming; some articles say Sacramento, others say Richmond, Virginia.
Unfortunately none of this is true. Sources close to the original film have assured us that Step Brothers 2 is no closer to happening now than it was earlier this year when McKay told IGN (among other outlets), “Not right now, man.” It’s not to say that Step Brothers 2 won’t ever happen — prior to Anchorman 2, Step Brothers 2 was actually very close to happening — it’s just not happening this year or really any time soon, because McKay and Ferrell don’t even have a story, let alone a script.
In McKay’s interview with IGN he told them, “You know, never say never […] Is it possible when they’re like 57/58-years old, we do a Step Brothers sequel? Maybe.” It should be noted that Will Ferrell is only 48 years old, so if you’re looking for a Step Brothers 2, you may have to wait until 2026. McKay also told Vulture in January of his upcoming plans, “I’m going to give myself a little break when this is all over with to figure [out my next movie],” noting that he has a couple projects in the works, none of which are Step Brothers 2.
Sorry to burst your bubble today internet, because the prospect of a Step Brothers 2 is a very exciting one. But also, look no further than Zoolander 2 to know that maybe a comedy sequel many years removed from the original isn’t always a good thing.
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