Our upcoming Insane Inflatable 5k in Medford will be my fifth. Now that I consider myself officially a veteran, here are my tips for tackling this obstacle course yourself.

  • Don't be THAT guy. Remember that episode of Seinfeld when George Costanza pushed women and children out of the way to get out of a burning apartment? Not welcome at Insane Inflatable 5k, lol. Give each other space! Everyone will get a turn!
  • Don't wear flip flops. Heather DeLuca did this once and it was an epic fail. We want to make sure you keep all your toenails. Plus, it's way more fun to jump up and down when you have the cushion of a sneaker.
  • Leave the drama at home. Come out with a smile on your face because it's impossible not to have fun while jumping on and running around giant inflatables.
  • It's ok to take shortcuts. Like your own game of Chutes & Ladders, you can definitely veer off course to get to the cool obstacles. Even though it's a 5k, we won't tell.
  • Breathe. As you run, find your breath. On top of a 5k, the inflatable obstacles test your endurance. So take it easy.
  • Don't be shy. When approaching an inflatable, just go for it!

The next Insane Inflatable 5k is Saturday, October 7th at Flying W in Medford. It's a wild time and you've got to experience it at least once! Hope to see you there during the SoJO wave!



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