Margate’s Most Famous Resident Will Soon Turn 139 Years Old
Lucy the Elephant, a unique and historical landmark located in Margate, will soon turn 139 years young with a birthday celebration coming in mid-July.
According to the website Margate Has More, the Lucy birthday celebration will also coincide with the 50th anniversary of the Save the Lucy Committee and the 50th anniversary of her historic move in 1970.
According to Weird NJ. Lucy was hauled on a trailer down Atlantic Avenue to her brand new home on S. Decatur Ave in Margate. The move took place on July 20th, 1970. Lucy also got a complete makeover.
Lucy's will celebrate her 139th birthday the weekend of July 18th. Last year, for Lucy's 138th birthday, the city of Margate and the Lucy committee voted to approve a brand-new lease that will renew automatically every 5 years. We'll be able to marvel at Lucy through the year 2039 when she turns a young 158-years-old!
Lucy was born in 1881 and she is a national historic landmark and the oldest roadside attraction in America. Lucy is also the oldest example of Zoomorphic Architecture in the entire world
You can also help Lucy by becoming a volunteer. You can help with the tour guides an the staff inside the gift shop.
Mark your calendars for the weekend of July 18th to celebrate Lucy's 139th birthday in Margate.