It may seem a little childish to pull out a poster board and magazines, but the art of vision boarding is a worthy adult craft!

Making a vision board, no matter how big or small, can help you succeed in sticking to your New Year's resolutions. Having a physical representation of your goals can go a long way in reinforcing your thoughts about where you want to be in your life in 2018.

Today happens to be National Vision Board Day! I used mine to remind myself of the things that I'd like to accomplish this year. Things like organizing, exercising, pushing myself to think outside the box professionally, but also to chill out and give myself a break.

I hope this is a project you find fun and inspiring. It's great to get the kids or your girlfriends involved. Keep your vision board somewhere you can see it often, even if it's just a few photos or encouraging words on your refrigerator door.

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