🍎 NJ Dept. of Agriculture's Jersey Fresh apples contest begins today

🍎 Post photos Jersey Fresh apples to social media and win prizes

🍎 The contest lasts through Halloween

It’s September and that means school is starting in New Jersey, the temperature will soon get cooler, and Jersey Fresh apples are in season, and ready for picking.

To celebrate, the #JerseyFreshApples social media photo contest begins today, said New Jersey Assistant Secretary of Agriculture, Joe Atchison III.

“The fall season is a great time for families to go out and visit many of our farms that feature pick-your-own-apples and other activities. This is a great way to highlight our many outstanding orchards and a chance for Jersey Fresh fans to use their creative skills for their own benefit,” Atchison said.

How does the contest work?

It’s simple. Jersey Fresh fans can share photos of Jersey Fresh apples and mention the orchard where they were picked with the hashtag #JerseyFreshApples.

Use the hashtag on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Then, you’ll be automatically entered for a chance to win the grand prize of a $250 gift card to your favorite Jersey Fresh market.

There is also a weekly contest that will start each Wednesday where contestants will have until the following Tuesday to post their #JerseyFreshApples photos. The weekly winner will be announced on the Jersey Fresh Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages. Those winners will receive a $50 gift card to the Jersey Fresh market of their choice.

How long is the contest?

The #JerseyFreshApples photo contest will last until Halloween, Oct. 31. At the end of the contest, a voting gallery will be created from the eight weekly winner photos with voting open to the public from Nov. 3-17.

The Jersey Fresh logo was designed to inform consumers which fruits and vegetables were grown in the Garden State. The logo guarantees the produce was grown in New Jersey.

More information about Jersey Fresh, including which crops are in season and where they are available, can be found here.

To read the full contest rules, visit here.

Jersey Fresh Produce is already starting to come to market

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