Jennifer Lawrence, Once Meek, Explains How She Became a Boss
In October 2015, after penning a note demanding Hollywood address industry sexism, Jennifer Lawrence cemented her position as modern feminist freedom fighter. But she hasn't always been so bold, and in a new interview with Vanity Fair, she explained that it's only recently she learned how, exactly, to be a boss.
"I feel like something really clicked when I was 25,” Lawrence told the magazine. “It’s not as scary to say what you mean anymore. Remember how scary that used to be? Like ‘What if they think I’m mad at them?’ Now it’s like ‘They better think I’m mad!'"
And Lawrence said fear has all but subsided — she's not afraid to swear off paparazzi, be honest about anger on-set or pander to interview questions she'd rather not answer. Still, that's not to say she hasn't got insecurities, many of which surfaced during the most recent Paris Fashion Week, she recalled.
"You get ready in your hotel and you’re like, ‘I look awesome.’ Then you walk outside, see the outfits and people who are like seven feet tall, and are like, I am a piece of garbage. I’m not going out anymore,'" she joked.
And whether she's up or down, you can expect J. Law to keep fighting — crossing to-dos off her list is what keeps her going, she insisted.
"I don’t like waking up with nothing to do or going to sleep without accomplishing anything,” Lawrence says. “That really depresses me."
Read more of the interview, and share your thoughts in the comments.
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