WOAH! Bloody Sunrise Brought About By The Jackson, NJ, Wildfires
There has only been one thing on everybody's mind up and down the New Jersey coastline this week, and that's wildfire.
First, the South Jersey region experienced a wildfire in Bass River. Now, portions of forest within Jackson Township, Ocean County, are burning. Where there's fire, there's smoke. The entire eastern part of the Garden State is currently experience a haze due to the number of acreage that continues to burn up in Jackson.

As of Wednesday morning on June 7th, various reports claim that the fire is pretty much contained at this point, so hopefully it will run its course soon enough without inflicting any more damage than it already has. Most of the roads that had to be closed down to make way for first responders have been reopened, too, so that's a good sign.
That's not the only wildfire Jersey's currently seeing the consequences of either. We're getting a mix of smoke and haze from the wildfires currently burning in Canada. As a result, it looks like some parts of the Garden State are completely immersed in fog. With that came a sight pretty shocking to early morning eyes attempting to take in the sunrise.
You've heard of a blood moon, but a blood sunrise? That's exactly what many people saw as they took to the beach to take it in on Wednesday morning. The sun was blazing bright red. We know now, though, that the sun's interesting coloring can be attributed to the wildfires in both Jackson Township and Canada.
So, will the sun continue to burn red for the foreseeable future? That entirely depends on the air quality.
Check out the pic:
Source: Facebook