Very Sweet Update on the Future of Strollo’s Lighthouse in Pt. Pleasant Beach, NJ
In October of last year, the legendary Jersey Shore sweet spot Strollo's Lighthouse announced that it was closing its Pt. Pleasant Beach location.
Many sad Italian ice fans immediately flocked to social media to share their memories.

My son worked at Strollo's and was looking forward to going back this summer.
This post has ruined my entire week!! I AM ABSOLUTELY DEVASTATED OVER THIS!!!! So mad, sad, angry and disgusted. Why why why??
Guaranteed to be knocked down and an apartment building will go in its place. The next closest spot off the boardwalk is Hoffman's.
There's a lot of emotion behind Strollo's. I've got some good news.
The Strollo's building is not going anywhere.
In fact, a sweet new business is moving in this Spring, and it's keeping the Strollo's name.
Facebook user, "Steph Smile" posted in the Pt. Pleasant Beach, Boro, & Bay Head Community Group:
Here’s the scoop. The old Strollos that you loved for so many years will remain an ice cream spot. And we promise it will surely become one of your favorites! Our family looks forward to creating an ice cream experience you’ll love. Coming Spring 2024.
Great News! As someone who grew up in Point Pleasant Beach their entire life, it is so nice to see you keeping this going as a family business and not turning it into more condos that ruin the landscape of the town we all love so much!
This is so awesome - thank you! My kids are so sad that Strollo’s is gone but will be so happy to make this our new ice cream place!
Thank Goodness...Thought it was going to be turned into a TD Bank or something...
We're just getting started with the Strollo's news though.
It seems this new ice cream empire is giving an existing location a facelift.
Here's an update on Red Bank.
Look for a Strollo's Lighthouse ice cream location to open in Ocean Township this Spring as well.
15 Beloved New Jersey Italian Restaurants Too Delectable Not to Try
Gallery Credit: Matt Ryan