📄 Two additional school districts have rejected Murphy's guidance on trans policy

📄 More school districts are expected to do the same

📄 Murphy's attorney general is pressuring districts to leave the policy alone

Colts Neck

Following the revelation that the state's transgender policy for school students was guidance and not mandate, another New Jersey district has voted to scrap that policy entirely.

📺 Watch: New Jersey 101.5 town hall on transgender school policies

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The Colts Neck Board of Education formally rejected the policy known as Policy 5756.

Guidance from Gov. Phil Murphy's administration put in place safeguards for students who have changed their gender identity and directed schools to respect those changes. However, it also includes a provision that prevents the school from informing parents of the change in gender identity, regardless of a student's age or grade level.

Sign at the Colts Neck Board of Education meeting 6/28/23
Sign at the Colts Neck Board of Education meeting 6/28/23 (CBS New York via YouTube)

It is that provision regarding parental notification that has caused the biggest controversy.

Board members called 5756 "superfluous," and stressed that all other district laws, policies and regulations remain in effect to ensure enforcement of non-discriminatory practices.

Crowd at the Colts Neck Board of Education meeting 6/28/23
Crowd at the Colts Neck Board of Education meeting 6/28/23 (CBS New York via YouTube)


The Howell Township Board of Education also debated Policy 5756 last night.

Superintendent Joseph Isola had voiced support for keeping the policy in place and board members had previously decided against any changes.

Last night, however, amid passionate pleas from parents and other members of the pubic during the public, the board ultimately voted to reject the guidance from the Murphy administration regarding transgender students.

However, the policy remains in place, for now.  After a committee review, the board is required to take a second, and final, vote.

In August, Isola urged the board to keep current policies in place.

"We have a commitment to making sure students are able to enter a school community that is safe," Isola said, "So that they can present for learning and we can provide an opportunity for them to reach their dreams and everything they aspire to be."

Isola argued the policy was a matter of student safety, and "student will always come first," but he also decried the weponization of this issue for political agendas.

"As a school leader, it is sometimes frustrating that schools and school districts become the battle ground for political war," Isola said.

Howell Memorial Middle School
Howell Memorial Middle School (Howell Public Schools)

More districts are likely to follow

Hanover Township was the first district to repeal Policy 5756. Hanover was sued by the state for first modifying the policy. It was during a court hearing on that suit that Deputy Attorney General James Michael conceded the ban on parental notification was only "guidance" and not "mandatory."

The Hanover Township School Board voted to repeal what is known as Policy 5756 in its entirety.

School board member Gregory Skiff was incredulous about what he said was "a widespread effort to misrepresent to school districts statewide that 5756 was mandatory" when it simply was not.

Following what she called a "bombshell revelation," Middletown School Board vice president Jacqueline Tobacco said she expected as many as 20 additional school districts to scrap 5756.

Murphy keeps the pressure on

After Hanover Township rejected the state policy on transgender students, New Jersey Attorney General Matt Platkin pressed ahead with the original lawsuit.

In addition, Platkin is asking a judge to force Hanover to pay the state's legal costs. The judge has not ruled on that issue.

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Some have called the action by the Murphy administration a strong-armed tactic aimed at discouraging districts from making any changes or rejecting the controversial policy.

Facing the potential of crippling legal fees to defend their actions, school boards could be resistant to taking any action that could have an adverse impact on taxpayers.

The 30 worst rated schools in New Jersey

Here are the 30 lowest-rated schools statewide, based on their 2021-2022 New Jersey School Performance Reports — involving scores for language arts, math and attendance. (For an explanation of how the state calculates the "accountability indicator scores" and overall rating for each school, see page 90 of this reference guide.)

Disturbing images from inside Irvington High School

A whistleblowing teacher says Irvington High School is falling apart. In these images taken from the past year, the extent of the deterioration is evident, contributing to an environment that is also beset by growing violence among the student body.

Average SAT scores for all NJ high schools, 2020-21

Average SAT scores for the 2020-2021 school year are listed by county, from highest to lowest. Data includes the combined score, as well as the average scores on the math and reading/writing sections.

Participation rates show the share of 12th graders in the Class of 2021 who took the SAT in 2020-21 or in prior years.

High schools aren't listed if there is no data or the number of students participating was low enough that average scores were not publicly reported to protect student privacy.

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