Is The Closing of Rt. 47/S. Delsea Drive “Bridgegate 2″?
I'm an eternal optimist. I simply refuse to believe that the mounting conspiracy theories could possibly be true. There is just no way that the state of New Jersey would close Route 47, also known as Delsea Drive right before United States President Donald Trump is set to come to Wildwood; Unless it was an absolute necessity. Right?
However, you can't dismiss the supreme distrust that so many people have in government, today. I have lost track of the number of people who have asked me if this is a circus stunt by New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy ... in order to politically retaliate against President Trump, right before his fast-approaching Tuesday, January 28, 2020 Rally at The Wildwoods Convention Center?
Tens of thousands of people will be traveling to Wildwood, New Jersey.
It begs the question: Is this Bridgegate 2?
The official state Department of Transportation (see attached memorandum) position is that priority road repairs are necessary due to "sinkholes that are compromising the roadway.
The repairs begin on (tomorrow) Monday, January 20, 2020 at 7:00 a.m., and, are expected to be completed by June, 2020.
If the sinkholes are a priority and safety hazard; than all of the conspiracy theorists should cease and desist. However, I expect this criticism to mount as more and more people find out about it.
Route 47 is a New Jersey state highway in Southern New Jersey. It runs a total length of 75.20 miles, from Wildwood, Cape May County, New Jersey to U.S. Route 130 in Brooklawn, Camden County.
It runs through rural areas of Cape May and Cumberland Counties. It's a two-lane road, but, it moves a lot of traffic.
During the summer months, there are regular traffic jams (miles long) on Route 47. There will be summer-like traffic conditions during President Trump's rally and this road will not be accessible in key areas of travel. It's going to be a major problem.
I don't often believe in coincidences. But, it may be true this time. The closing of Route 47 at a very inopportune time, may be exactly that. Just a coincidence and not a juvenile political attack.
Remember, the current Bridgegate convictions are presently being deliberated by The United States Supreme Court. If the convictions are not overturned (and, I think that they will be), people are going to jail.
It's hard to imagine that anyone would put themselves in the position to replicate this ever, again.

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