Everything works better with a tune-up. From the smallest appliances to your car, to your air conditioning unit, frequent check-ups keep things running more efficiently, which saves you time and money!

You're probably running your AC nonstop, so why not make sure it KEEPS running smoothly and gets you through the rest of summer? A $79 tune-up from my friends over at One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning is a great deal.

Tune-ups are especially important this time of year when temperatures are spiking, making conditions not only uncomfortable (for you, your family, even your pets) but potentially dangerous too!

I think One Hour Heating & Air put it best when they said that an air conditioner tune-up is maintenance that pays you back. Here are the most important ways you can save by being proactive with a tune-up from one of their experienced HVAC technicians:

  • Improve your system’s efficiency
  • Avoid emergency service calls
  • Fix current small problems, skip bigger future ones
  • Give your air conditioner a long life
  • Accurately plan for replacement

The $79 tune-up includes a multi-port test, lubricating the system's mechanical parts, recharging the refrigerant, removing any debris near the AC unit, and looking for common issues such as dirty coils, old air filters, and clogged condensate drains.

When you choose One Hour Heating & Air, you're choosing a company that is 100% committed to keeping your home as comfortable as can be. Plus, all of their HVAC technicians are licensed, highly trained, and will always show up on time — or you don't pay a dime!

One Hour Heating & Air is always available for you around the clock, so give them a call today at (800)-893-3523 or visit them online to schedule an appointment. Don't forget to tell them that Heather from SoJO 104.9 sent you!

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