In a move to better protect the community, Gloucester Township Police Department officers will soon be outfitted with body cameras.

Glo. Twp. Police Chief Harry Earle announced on Monday that the institution of the body cameras system is just part of the way the department is building trust, according to Gloucester Township Patch.

Photo: Gloucester Twp. Patch
Photo: Gloucester Twp. Patch

Approximately 20 officers have been suited up with body cameras, provided by the Axe Corporation, that start rolling as early as next month.

Over the last few years, more police departments have equipped officers with body cameras because of an increase police-involved shootings. Chief Earle hopes the cameras will give the community more peace of mind in the event of similar incidents, Courier Post reports.

In addition to the body cameras, GTPD is hoping to improve communication with the township's citizens by giving officers Spanish language flash cards, a project being overseen by Latin Officer Liason Officer Erica Marconi. There will also be an African-American Liason, and an LGBTQ Liason.

SOURCES: Gloucester Twp. Patch; Courier Post

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