Glassboro Holds Out Hope Of Justin Bieber Coming To Prom [VIDEO]
One South Jersey teen jumped on the YouTube bandwagon on asking some celebrity for a date, but this is not a typical date because it is as Leon Purvis calls it "as a bro". His story has been out there for a while, has seen about 200,000 hits on his video, and now growing national attention as prom draw near.
Purvis has made it clear he wants Justin Bieber to be "his date, but not his date" to the Glassboro High School prom - being held at the Please Touch Museum in Philadelphia on June 2. Purvis does say in his video message that he does have a girl in mind to ask, but he feels she will say no. He admits he's a big Bieber fan and wants to give Justin a chance to hang out and be a part of Leon's prom to hang out and be bros.
Recently USA Today got on Leon's story, and he explained that he has not heard from Justin yet and is still hoping. His video has been out there for months, and has seen recognition from the likes of NBC in Philly and Perez Hilton on his blog.
Purvis has received a great deal of support from his classmates, and fingers are still crossed. Leon may not get to meet the guy he wants to be bros with, but he definitely has gotten his "15 Minutes of Fame" as being a true Bieber fan. Check out the video and judge for yourself.