Garbage collectors dancing in street caught on camera
I want these guys as co-workers. Every day would feel like Friday if we all worked with such positive people.
These sanitation workers have a tough job. Does this crew let it get them down? Heck no. This truck was rolling through a Keansburg neighborhood in Monmouth County when someone’s security camera picked up a cool moment. These guys started dancing in the street. That’s the "Cupid Shuffle" if you had any doubt.
Where’s that music coming from? From a boom box (remember those?) zip-tied to their rig. Nice! This happened Wednesday morning most likely around 9am according to this video.
Now should this bother anybody? I sure hope not. But you know there’s probably some Karen somewhere who would call the company on them if not for the ‘unprofessional conduct’ then for the noise of the music. Which would be ridiculous since this was around 9am.
I say dance the whole shift away! Can you imagine the Christmas tips they would get? "The Electric Slide?" "Gangnam Style?" Just no twerking guys, please.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski. Any opinions expressed are Jeff Deminski's own.