Leave it to a 74 year old woman who's been making music since the 1960's to make us all jump on the bandwagon of a new viral trend. But if there's anyone who's personality has many sides, it's Dolly Parton.

The legendary singer/songwriter recently posted a photo on her IG of how she'd represent herself on different social media platforms. You and I both know how we appear on the uber-professional LinkedIn is MUCH different from who we are on, say, Tinder.

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Get you a woman who can do it all 😉

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We can't really argue. Social media has become somewhat of an art form since it's inception. But I love that Dolly decided to poke fun at it. I mean, back when she first became an entertainer there were, like, 3 VHF channels on TV and not much else. She has endured all the way through Instagram and Facebook.

You can easily take the #DollyPartonChallenge. Just choose 4 different photos of yourself and make a collage. I like Canva because it's basically free and user friendly. Plus, they have an app so you can do this on your phone. Easy peasy. It's just kind of fun to be cheeky.

And don't forget to tag us your results! Here's what mine looks like:


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