Chris Chaberski
The Most Memorable Pop Star TV Cameos of the Last 25 Years
While your favorite singers clearly love their craft, what they really want to act.
O.J. Simpson Granted Parole After 9 Years in Prison for Robbery
He can go free as early as October 1.
Bill Cosby Faces Retrial in November
The famed comedian will return to court to face charges of felony indecent assault for a second time.
ICYMI: Disguised Miley Cyrus & Jimmy Fallon Perform on NYC Subway Platform
Miley also did a "Google Translate Songs" segment, plus Trevor Noah covered Uber's latest sexist uproar, and Jamie Foxx tried to cheer up Clevelanders after the Cavs' loss.
Four Dead, Including Gunman, at UPS Warehouse in San Francisco
A gunman opened fire on his fellow employees at a UPS facility in San Francisco, killing three people before turning the gun on himself. The shooting occurred just before 9 a.m. local time on Wednesday.
Here’s What Everyone on Twitter Thought of James Comey’s Performance
The former FBI director answered questions for about two-and-a-half hours. Here's how it went.
Harvard Revokes Admission Offers to 10 Students Over Offensive Facebook Group Chat
The school withdrew acceptance offers to at least 10 students who had shared offensive images in a private Facebook group chat.
Multiple Dead in Orlando Workplace Shooting [UPDATED]
Authorities have announced "multiple fatalities" in suburban Orlando, the result of a gunman opening fire inside a local business. The shooter is among the dead.
Ringling Brothers Circus Performs Final Show After 146 Years, PETA Claims Victory
With the close of the country's most famous circus, animal-rights activists cheered the end of 'The Greatest Show on Earth.'
House of Representatives Passes Bill to Repeal and Replace Obamacare
The House of Representatives voted on Thursday in favor of the American Health Care Act, which would repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, which is commonly known as Obamacare. Congressional Republicans took a step forward in their years-long quest to repeal the Obamacare, the 2010 law that reshaped the country's individual health insurance market.
The Bill O’Reilly Firing Aftermath: How Have Things Changed?
The Strange Post-O'Reilly Era (or S.P.O.R.E.) is now upon us. Let's take a look at what's new and different.
Bill O’Reilly’s 5 Most (In)Famous On-Air Freak Outs, in (Dis)Honor of His Firing
Here are five examples of how Bill O'Reilly, who was fired today, made the world of primetime cable news a louder place than it was before.