Are We Done With Flu Season in South Jersey?
For many families at the Jersey Shore, this was a difficult flu season. So, after all we've dealt with, are we done with this season's flu activity?
Done? No. Getting there? Yes. I actually know several people dealing with the flu right now, but the good news from the CDC is that flu activity throughout New Jersey is considered low.
The only state in the nation that is still reporting high flu activity is Rhode Island. 5 states are still considered to have moderate activity, but most of the nation is experiencing low or minimal flu activity.
The national results are for the week ending April 13th, according to the CDC. The New Jersey Department of Health website has data listed through April 20th, and says South Jersey still has moderate activity but Monmouth & Ocean Counties are considered low.
So, it does look like things are finally winding down, as expected around this time of the year. But it certainly was a rough flu season for many area residents, so the wind down couldn't come fast enough.