9 New Jersey Myths Outsiders Swear Are Actually True
Alright, I'll be honest. It makes my blood boil when I hear people crap-talking about my home state. I may be a bit hypocritical here, but I can complain about Jersey all I want. As far as I'm concerned, if you live here, then you have a right to voice your frustrations. If you don't currently live here and never have in your life, you can kick rocks and shut your mouth because your opinion of NJ is completely irrelevant.
While the opinion of outsiders may be completely irrelevant to any and all current Jersey residents, it is sometime funny to hear what people truly believe to be true about the Garden State that, in actuality, couldn't be further from it.
For example, it cracks me up every time people from out-of-state get yelled at because they try to fill up their own gas tank at the pump. If you're close enough to their pump and you roll your window down, you can hear them mumble under their breath something along the lines of "don't you people know how to pump your own gas?"

Which brings me to my first NJ myth:
1.) New Jersey people can't pump gas.
Listen, it's not that we can't. I'm sure there are some people who don't know how to, but I, for one, know how to fill up my Honda when I need to. Obviously, that only happens when I leave the state. Still, it's funny that so many outsiders have no idea that most of us here in the Garden State do, in fact, know how to pump gas. We just don't have to. Don't hate us 'cause you ain't us.
2.) NJ people have never seen a mountain.
Spoiler alert: NJ has mountains! While most people tend to believe that Jersey's pretty flat, there are a few peaks here in the Garden State. The most famous NJ mountain is probably Mount Tammany at the Delaware Water Gap.
3.) Everybody From Jersey Knows Snooki.
Big BIG myth, ya'll. Hard NO. While she may be the most recognizable name of the 2010s associated with the Garden State thanks to MTV's show "Jersey Shore," most of us here in NJ have never met her before in our lives. Oh, and sidebar: please let "Jersey Shore" die. That does NOT represent what Jersey's all about and we all actually really hate it.
4.) NJ Smells
Alright, so listen, while it's true that parts of the state don't exactly give off the most inviting aroma when driving close to NYC on the turnpike, most of NJ DOES NOT smell like that. It's literally in that one area, okay? Give us a break.
5.) NJ people are all Italian.
It's true, there are a lot of people of Italian decent here in the Garden State, but plenty of people don't have a lick of it in them. There's also a large number of Irish, Indian, and Jewish people here as well. As a matter of fact, there are a ton of Asian people here, too. Jersey's a melting pot, plain and simple. We're not ALL Italian.
6.) We call it "Joisey."
Not recently nor have I EVER heard ANY New Jersey resident pronounce the state's name like that. Whomever came up with this one is a dirty little liar.
7.) Jersey's A Concrete Jungle
Actually, what surprises sooo many people is how much farmland actually exists here in the Garden State. There's a lot of it in South Jersey and in the northeastern part of the state. Cumberland and Salem counties? Almost all farmland.
8.) All of NJ is OBSESSED with Wawa.
Now, this one just isn't true, and that's partly based on geography. You see, Wawas are only a thing in primarily South Jersey and few parts of Central Jersey. Wawa doesn't really exist up north. So, no... not ALL of Jersey loves Wawa. Not to mention, we do have other places to choose from if we want a quick bite, you know...
9.) Everyone from New Jersey is mean and rude.
It actually really hurts my heart when I hear people say this about us. Truth be told, we're some of the most generous people you'll ever meet in your life. Come into our homes and we'll definitely try to feed you and try to make you leave with at least a plate of leftovers and maybe that magnet you were asking us about that caught you're eye on the fridge. We all have bleeding hearts. We're definitely more "in your face" when it comes to our personalities and how we carry ourselves, but NJ is FULL of some amazingly wonderful people.
Come hang out with us for the summer and we'll prove it to you.
If you want to know even MORE stereotypes that NJ residents CANNOT stand: