
Shakira and Rihanna Get Cozy in New Video
Shakira and Rihanna Get Cozy in New Video
Shakira and Rihanna Get Cozy in New Video
Shakira and Rihanna bask in each other's sexiness in the video for their new duet 'Can't Remember to Forget You'.  These two bond over booties, bikinis, and bare skin.  The clip doesn't really have a point, except to remind up that Shakira's hips still don't lie, and neither do Rihanna's.
Shakira Delivers
Shakira Delivers
Shakira Delivers
International music star, Shakira, announced the birth of Milan Piqué Mebarak, son of Shakira Mebarak and Gerard Piqué, born January 22nd at 9:36pm, in Barcelona, Spain.