Sometimes we just need to explain ourselves to the rest of the world.

We found a guy - a self-proclaimed "South Jersey guy" - who does a pretty good job of explaining New Jersey to the rest of the world.

His name is Evan Edinger - and we believe he's from the Cherry Hill area. (Not because of his shirt, or because he's doing a YouTube video in what appears to be his bedroom. Rather, he alludes to that fact in the first couple minutes of the video.)

So, if you have friends and family that wonder what it's like to live in the great Garden State, you can just send them a link to this video.

Hey, he even mentions the free-water-ice-at-Rita's-on-the-first-day-of-spring thing!

Wait - it isn't all good. He's not a fan of the Atlantic City Boardwalk. Traitor!

A shout out to Evan - great job!

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