I rounded a bend in the road, when I saw this tremendous creature in front of me...

My car went into a skid, tumbled down and embankment before bursting into flames and exploding! The creature looked at me and gave a deafening ROAR. The tremendous monster then turned and receded into the forest. I barely escaped with my life.

Well, sort of.

This pretty big snapping turtle was crossing the road in my neighborhood, so I safely pulled my car over and shot this video. I estimate the turtle to be about 2 feet long from the nose to the tip of it's alligator-like tail.


I personally have never seen a turtle that size in the wild - other than a sea turtle when I was fishing just off the Florida Keys.

Please remember to watch out for turtles crossing the roads of South Jersey. They are pretty spectacular things to see up close, so please be careful!


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