July 19, 2014 | 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Cologne Farm
315 South Cologne Ave, Galloway, NJ 08215 United States

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On Saturday, July 19th volunteers from SoJo104.9 will be signing up with Atlantic City Rescue Mission (ACRM) for a day of service at Cologne Farm in Galloway Twp.

ACRM is the largest shelter providing relief for the homeless in South Jersey allowing them to offer Life Restoration Services, Education and Career Training and Permanent Housing Placement.  For 50 years, ACRM has been helping people get back on their feet and only ask SoJO staff and community for one afternoon of service.

At Cologne Farm, ACRM harvests produce that they later serve in the Kitchen and Community Food Basket Programs.  It offers both the homeless and volunteers an opportunity to step away from the hustle and bustle of the Atlantic City area and into a more serene setting.  The is an opportunity to dig around in the dirt while also helping our surrounding community; let’s do this!