Today is National Frappe Day!

Just in case you're not a coffee fan and have absolutely no idea what a frappe even is, it's a blended frozen coffee drink that normally contains espresso and whipped cream. It almost tastes like a milkshake or a Blendini from Rita's Water Ice.

If you're someone that's up to at least a frappe per day, then you'll be excited to try this option. It's on the Starbucks secret menu, so you might have to give your barista the ingredients.

How DELICIOUS does that look? I mean, seriously....

Okay, so for the ingredients, here's what says to tell your barista in the drive-thru:


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    Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino

    First, you're going to ask for a normal pumpkin spice frappe. Frappuccinos are normally made with two shots of espresso, though. Ask for only ONE SHOT.

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    Chai Syrup

    Ask them to please make it with the chai syrup. Pumpkin Spice frappes are normally made with the pumpkin sauce, but substitute this syrup to achieve the flavor intended for this drink. If you still want a hint of pumpkin, ask for one pump of pumpkin sauce and the rest chai syrup.

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    Add Some Mocha!

    Next, ask them to put a little drizzle of mocha syrup inside the cup.

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    Top it Off!

    ...with some java chips and whipped cream & voilà:

    The Jack Skellington Frappuccino.

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