A Shamong woman, who reportedly, with no veterinarian degree, treated a sick puppy, may not have had much of an example on how to care for animals, based on who her mom is.
The benefits of owning a pet are rewarding because they are loyal and they add a sense of companionship to our lives. Simply by interacting with our pets can help with lowering blood pressure, cholesterol, and even releasing the endorphins that cause us to relax and feel good.
Get the tissues. Remember when Budweiser left us teary-eyed last year with their Super Bowl Sunday #BestBuds commercial featuring an adorable lab puppy who didn't want to leave it's Clydesdale friend (to the tune of Passenger's 'Let Her Go' no less)? Well, that puppy is again the focus of Bud's current Super Bowl ad, and this one is even more emotionally charged.
Well, Huskies were bread for cold weather conditions. Perhaps furry little Luna was just tapping into her genes. She certainly doesn't mind hanging out in the fridge.
Well, how can I get any work done today when I can't stop watching this video? Meet 10-week-old baby Eisleigh and 8-week-old pit bull puppy Clyde, who seem to absolutely adore one another.
My dog Molly passed away over the summer after 13 years. We really lucked out with her. She was was well behaved and nice to everyone. Over the weekend, there was a new edition to the family...and he needs a name. This is where I need your help.
What do you do when Santa delivers you one of the cutest dogs ever? You grab the camera and post the video on the web. Sadie, the shih poo puppy, certainly knew how to enjoy his first holiday season with his new family, and they certainly knew how to enjoy it with him.
This photo has been circulating the internet over the last couple days, eliciting cooing sounds and begging the question “Is this the cutest puppy ever?” Honestly, we can’t decide if it’s cute or ridiculously creepy.