SoJO, Boys & Girls Club of Atlantic City, and Dress 2 Impress of Linwood, are on a mission to turn local teens into prom queens during Project Prom '18!
More high schools are having a prom date "lottery" system. Here is how it works, if you are a girl and want to go to the prom, you put your name on a list. The girl's names are then chosen randomly, lottery style, by the boys who want to go to the prom.
SoJO is on a mission to turn local teens into prom queens during Project Prom '17! We've partnered with Boys & Girls Club of Atlantic City to collect gently worn gowns and accessories to make sure girls in our area feel beautiful on prom night!
It has now been a decade since two high school students launched a donation drive for prom attire, for Monmouth County-area teens who might not otherwise be able to afford those clothes.
Their brainchild, Cinderella's Closet, is getting set to hold its annual Fashion Showcase, the organization's biggest yearly fundraiser, on Jan...
A local effort to collect prom dress and accessories to be given to high school girls in Atlantic County who can't afford them continues through Thursday, March 10.
'Back In My Day' (I sound so old when I say that) I asked a girl to my senior prom in the hallway. If I remember correctly, it was between 3'rd period and lunch. Today, teens get very creative with their prom proposals, and some end in complete disaster.
Meet Derek. He's 1/4 of a doo wop quartet called The Whiptones from Whippany, New Jersey. Derek decided to put his acapella skills to good use when asking his friend Gina to prom.